Ways to Recognize & Seek Help for Mental Illnesses

“My recovery has been an evolution. Not a sudden miracle,” Patty Duke.

Mental illnesses are nothing to be taken lightly. Many people struggle with a mental illness. Anyone could be suffering. It is not in anyone’s place for something such as this to be taken casually. The least we can do is to not make it harder on anyone.

Some people can be rather misguided. Individuals can’t always count on others to know about someone having a mental illness. Not everyone knows about how such affects people’s lives around the globe.

The best thing for individuals to do is be aware. Recognize symptoms and seek help. In order to recover, people need to take matters into their own hands. Those who are suffering, or those who recognize others suffering should take action, and get help.

If someone you know shows signs of having a mental disorder, it is best to be absolutely sure. It is vital to be sensitive; you cannot say it outright where the person could be affected negatively. Something such as this sensitive topic takes careful planning as to not upset the person.

The first step is to recognize symptoms. There are a copious amounts of mental disorders, so in the end, a doctor’s diagnosis will be the ultimate call. It can often be hazardous to one’s health assuming you have one type of mental disorder, when you actually have a completely separate one. The key is to check for all the possible signs. Keep note of little things, they may be bigger than you realize. There’s a fine line between cautious and overly vigilant.

Doctor’s websites are a good medium to inform you of certain mental disorders and symptoms. If you suspect you, or someone close, has a mental disorder, consult your doctor as soon as you can. Do not self-prescribe medicine without a doctor’s consent; be safe. Seek professional treatment.

The next step is to seek help. Those who have found out that they have anxiety or depression, ADHD or insomnia, an eating disorder or something drastically different, should make sure to find help and guidance towards living a better life.

One should always be able to trust a doctor and not be afraid to ask for guidance; a psychologist, or therapist, or any other type of mental health physician should also offer good advice. A support group is another way that could help, for those who feel talking to a group of people will work well. Individuals should feel free to talk to people they trust: family, friends, and the like.

Art therapy such as painting, music, dancing, drawing, can help express one’s emotions. Any medium that helps someone get better is good.. It may take a long time, but that’s okay. Change takes time.

Having a mental disorder is difficult. It may seem as if nothing will ever go right, that nothing will ever change. But it can. It will. The power is in your hands. You decide your future. You have the power to change your life for the better. You have the power to recover. All it takes is one step at a time.

More information:
● https://psychcentral.com/disorders/
● https://psychcentral.com/disorders/anxiety/generalized-anxiety-disorder-symptoms/
● http://natashatracy.com/mental-illness-issues/tell-someone-mental-illness/
● https://www.healthyplace.com/insight/quotes/quotes-on-mental-health-and-mental-illness/
● http://www.healthline.com/health/anxiety/effects-on-body
● http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/recognizing-warning-signs
● http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/conditions/finding-help-when-get-it-and-where-go