Wallows is a band made up of Braeden Lemasters, Cole Preston, And Dylan Minnette. They started making music back in 2017 with their first ever single being called Pleaser. Recently Wallows have released their new album Model released on May 24th. which shows a lot of different styles of their amazing music. The Album is 37 minutes long with 12 songs. In my own opinion, I absolutely loved the whole album. If you haven’t heard of wallows then i really suggest you listen to the album to get into them. The second song in the Album is called “Anytime, Always.” The song has a repeating line in the song that says “You can call me Anytime, Always.” Which means that no matter what happens they will always be there for that person if they are needed. In the final song on the album “Only Ecstasy”. The beat goes to an all instrumental guitar solo with the lyrics “So take all of my devotion, i’ve walked across an empty ocean to find it….Although, Fragmented now, I can see it all through your eyes”. This has a lot of meaning behind it. Although I don’t really know the true meaning, I can make an assumption that it signifies trying to find and fix something that is broken (Like a relationship) and seeing it all through the person’s eyes. This song really takes you through a really huge rollercoaster of emotions with its beautiful lyrics and awesome beat and instrumental element. The album has become one of their most popular albums they have ever released. You can buy it on their website and it’s on cassette, Vinyl, and CD. They also have shirts, clocks, and a lot of other merchandise to promote the album. Overall The Album is a favorite in a lot of people’s hearts and You should listen to it if you can, It’s out everywhere from Youtube, to Spotify and Apple Music. Wallows will also be going on tour for their new album which if you live in the bay area, They will be in San Francisco on September 8th, 2024 At 7:30pm. At the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium.
“Model” A Wallows Original
Brandon Morales Camarillo, Staff Writer
August 15, 2024
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Brandon Morales Camarillo, Writer
Hi my name is Brandon Morales Camarillo, I am in the 11th grade. I am from Suisun City, CA. I like writing so I felt like journalism was something that I could be good at. For example, on my own time I write poems and short stories on my life and the way I view things.
I’ve also written things for my friends because I like to see their reactions when I write something to them. They always like my writing and say that I could probably write a book if I wanted to. They said it could be a best seller in their opinion. I wouldn’t know, I don’t read my own writing so I would never be aware of if it is good or not.