As the 2023-2024 school year comes to an end, we say goodbye and bid farewell to friends, teachers, classmates, and so much more. In a time of goodbyes and reflection, we can release what once was, and embrace what can be. We do this individually, but Armijo is doing it as well, and doing them simultaneously. Armijo is bidding farewell to Mr. McMorris and welcoming Mr. Powell back to assume the role of principal.
Mr.Matthew Powell is no stranger to royal soil. He worked as a physical education teacher for nine years and for the majority of those years, was the athletic director. Despite not attending Armijo in his youth, Powell is devoted to Armijo. In retrospect, Powell remembers Armijo, as “ …always having immense pride, culture, and tradition.”
“In his gap year of sorts from Armijo, Powell was the assistant principal at Fairfield High. Promising that his loyalties remain with Armijo, Powell explains how and why he undertook the position. He described the interview process, that he was applying to be assistant principal at either of the three schools, Armijo, Fairfield High, or Rodriguez. While being interviewed, his strengths were evaluated and he was placed according to where his projected growth was the highest; where he was expected to succeed and learn the most. As assistant principal, Powell worked with the students and observed the Fairfield High culture. He found and concluded that the rivals aren’t so different, and in fact, are more similar than they believe. Powell expressed the desire to “…bridge the gap between both schools and encourage healthy competition.”
Commencing the school year, Mr.Powell says that he doesn’t intend on “changing anything” about Armijo. “I plan to support and enhance all the amazing things on campus.” He plans on to, “ …create an environment where everyone loves coming to Armijo, and enhance the culture and traditions of such an amazing school.” As opposed to viewing Armijo as something that must be “fixed”, Powell plans on emphasizing the qualities that separate Armijo and make it unique but also those that connect it with others.
With his return, Mr.Powell reminds us that some goodbyes aren’t forever. He reminds us of the importance of teamwork and creating bonds with unexpected people. He also reminds us to take pride in purple and gold!