April 1st is National Sourdough Bread Day! It’s the day to honor this unique and special bread. Sourdough is known for its sour and pleasant taste due to its fermentation of yeast. It’s significant to celebrate because sourdough bread was a major part of life in Northern California during the Gold Rush. Due to this, San Francisco is a popular destination for sourdough. However, it is believed to have originated in Ancient Egyptian times around 1500 BC. People should choose to celebrate this holiday because it reminds us of this history.
Furthermore, this day can be celebrated at home or by leaving the house! According to National Day Calendar, you can observe this holiday by baking some homemade sourdough bread, ordering from your favorite bakery or shop, and sharing recipes or posts online. To add on, in Days of the Year, it explains that sourdough bread is unique for its mixture of normal yeasts and its symbiosis with a Lactobacillus culture. It is also explained in this text that sourdough has a longer shelf life than others and is one of the first forms of leavening bread in human history.
Most sources state that this holiday came to be because people wanted to give recognition to this bread that used to be a staple in many households. Sourdough bread is not as common anymore in homes, but try some and see if it’s something you would like to add to your diet. To celebrate, I recommend trying a recipe. There are countless varieties of tutorials online and directions on how to make sourdough starters. I once made some with my mom and it was so much fun to bake. Most importantly, the end result was delicious and perfect for sandwiches. So mark your calendars and remember that April 1st is not only April Fools Day, but also the holiday of honoring sourdough bread!