March 1st is National Pig Day! This holiday is held to honor the domesticated animal.
Pig parties, parades, and gatherings are held all around the United States to celebrate. Some schools, farms, and local community groups even participate by holding events every year. However, you don’t need to leave your house in order to celebrate. According to National Day Calendar, to acknowledge the holiday at home, you could, “Cuddle up with one, read about one, or eat one.”
People celebrate National Pig Day to recognize the impact this animal has on American culture. To add on, it is used to also show how intelligent they actually are. Pigs have become very common in society. We see them in our movies, books, meals, piggy banks, stuffed animals, and so much more. Additionally, pigs are surprisingly more clever than people think. They can be trained and taught tricks, such as one called the Learned Pig that told time, counted, and performed other tricks for entertainment.
National Pig Day was often celebrated in the Midwest of the U.S., but it is now observed throughout the whole country. As stated by Days of the Year, “This holiday was first established in 1972 by two sisters, Ellen Stanley, a young school teacher from Texas, and Mary Lynne Rave of Beaufort, North Carolina. These siblings noticed how significant the swine is in everyday life and strived to set a day to honor the noble animal. So on March 1st, don’t forget to figure out a way to celebrate this bright creature!