The classic Christmas movie, Elf, premiered on November 7, 2003, starring Will Ferrell. The film revolves around the main character, Billy, played by Ferrell, who gets accidentally transported to the North Pole and becomes one of Santa’s elves. He embarks on an adventure to find his father throughout the movie.
The film gained worldwide popularity for its humor, grossing 223.9 million dollars at the box office. Producers were surprised because Jim Carrey was originally considered for the role but rejected it.
Elf is classified as a comedy and action genre. The filming process took a considerable amount of time, starting on December 9, 2002, and concluding on March 7, 2003, while they were shooting in New York City.
I enjoyed this movie because it was genuinely funny, and the overall story was unique. I would rate this movie 9/10 because it was a new and exciting experience for me. In fact, one of my personal favorite scenes was when he reunited with Walter and Michael.
Will Ferrell is no stranger to acting, having been in many hit movies over the past years, with Step Brothers (2008) being one of them.
If you are interested in watching this film, according to Google, it is available for streaming on Hulu, Max, and Prime Video.