Welding is an elective in Armijo High School where you get to learn how to weld and do projects. Mr.Newman is the welding teacher in AG-5 which is right beside D hall. Welding is a pretty laid-back class although the start of this class has a lot of long assignments but after you get passed that the projects are fun. One of the projects that I did was welding together a spider for Halloween. The project that I’m doing right now is the final for that class is a metal barn star. It is a three-part final including making the blueprint, welding the barn star together, and writing a five-paragraph essay explaining what you learned while making your barn star. One downside of this class is after every project you must write a 5 paragraph essay about what you learned while doing the project. The essays are pretty easy because he gives you questions that you have to answer. This elective can be used as a gateway into a trade school. By completing 3 years of this class you get a certificate to a trade school. Welding is a very well-paying job depending on what you do. This is a very fun class with not too big of a learning curve and I think that you should join next year if you have the chance.
Welding: Where Sparks Fly
January 1, 2024
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About the Contributor

Gage Banderob-Buresh, Staff writer
Hello, my name is Gage Banderob-Buresh. I was born in Boulder, Colorado, but moved here when I was three so I don’t remember much from there. I have been moving my entire life until now. The school I went to before Armijo was Dan O. Root. I am in 9th grade currently and I’m somewhat enjoying it. Even though I’m not too fond of being in journalism, I think it will help me with some things in the future. One of the things that I think this class will help me with is learning how to express myself more in writing. I also think this class will help me with spelling.