Want to shop? Stay local!

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

You may wonder, what are some small businesses in our community?

While May is often well-known for being the last full month of spring, it is also Small Business Month to commemorate the people who run small businesses.

Solano County is full of small businesses. Think about the hair salons downtown or any of the family-owned restaurants nearby. Wouldn’t it be nice if more people came and supported them? Well, that’s what Small Business Month is for, promoting and supporting these local shops.

May officially became Small Business Month in 2019, according to the Employment Development Department of California, although it’s exclusive to California. Throughout the month, we can do many things to promote and support small businesses in our community or online. NationalToday says “The best thing you can do to celebrate Small Business Month is to spread awareness and appreciation for small businesses.”

One way that really helps is getting the word out about their business. This helps their business get some exposure and hopefully some more supporters or customers. CDCLoans suggests that you “use word of mouth to support your favorite small businesses. Your family members or friends will likely trust and remember them more if it is shared personally.”

In Fairfield, we have many different restaurants and other small businesses downtown. The best part is that they are near our campus, so after school you and your friends can get together and support small businesses all throughout the month.