It all started in childhood

Athlete Focus – Anthony Pardo, swimmer

Ronald Salas Salomon

Anthony doesn’t mind getting wet.

About five years ago, Anthony Pardo’s mother put him into swim lessons. Since he was already a good swimmer, he decided to try out for the Armijo team and currently races on the junior varsity squad.

Pardo said that he likes his teammates because they are kind and like a family.

His best stroke is freestyle because he feels that it’s not as hard as it looks.

Even after high school, Pardo plans to keep swimming because it keeps him busy and he likes the water. He has a while to figure out what college he will swim for because he is still only a freshman. One goal that he has for himself while he is in high school is to be one of the best swimmers on the team and to try your best.

Some advice that he has for future swimmers is to not be nervous the first time. That’s a meet that is well worth remembering.