Just another shooter game? Maybe not.

Video Game Review – Sensory Overload


You’re out of luck if you don’t have a MacIntosh controller.

Are you getting tired of playing the same levels of a certain game several times? Well, there’s a video game that may help with your boredom on the same everyday game. The game is called Sensory Overload.

This game was founded by Reality Bytes and they are also they’re own publishers for this game. Reality Bytes developed proprietary 3D graphics and networking technologies as well as cross-platform development tools.

Sensory Overload is a game in which the player is a CIA agent who pretends to be a test subject to investigate a facility for medical research. This game allows ages of 16 and older to play, which is, of course, absolutely reasonable considering it’s a first-person shooter game.

The video game was originally released in August of 1994. Unfortunately, this game isn’t on many platforms. In fact, the only platform it was released to and is currently playable on is Macintosh.

Another unfortunate thing is that there aren’t any given directions on how to play this game, but the instructions will be shown on the game to guide you on how to play.

The reviews on this game, however, are quite high, at a 9/10 rating. One particular review from one of the players said, “Sensory Overload is a challenging game that has its own difficult obstacles, but it’s a very fun game. It took me a couple weeks to understand how to play and for me to get attached. Overall, Sensory Overload is an entertaining game that I recommend playing, especially if you like shooter games.” Although it does not seem like a very popular game currently, based on that review, it was probably way more popular back in the 1990s.

Price wise on the video game costs around $4.99 to $9.99 and to goes with that cheap pricing; there are no in-game purchases provided. The only in-game purchases that are in the game are completely optional.

To sum all of this up, Sensory Overload may look like another boring shooting game that doesn’t have more action like the one you’re probably bored of, but it really is a fun game that has an interesting plot. So, would you be open to trying out Sensory Overload?