Dress for a night you want to remember
Fashion Focus – Avoid Prom fashion mistakes
Prom season is almost here and although many Armijo students are wondering what to wear for prom, we should also keep in mind the things NOT to wear for prom as well.
Olivia Mauk said, “The dress code for prom is just formal, whether it’s a suit or a floor-length dress. Typically people wear floor-length dresses to prom, but people last year wore short dresses. Dress your best, whatever that means to you.”
This year’s theme is A Night in Vegas, and although it’s not required to dress to the theme, you could dress in reds, blacks, or whites.
One of the things you should avoid wearing is, of course, sweatpants. According to Jvn.com, “Jeans or sweatpants are way, way too casual no matter how relaxed your prom is. This rule applies to guys and girls alike.”
If you want to be comfortable at prom, ladies, you should instead wear a dress that is comfortable, or a dress with pockets so you won’t have to carry a bag.

Guys, you should wear a simple dress shirt and looser pants to stay comfortable.
Mauk added commentary on danceable dresses. “Dresses that are A-line dresses are pretty danceable, because they’re not too tight on your legs, and they’re not too poofy. If a dress is too poofy, it might be too hard to move around, and if it’s too tight on your legs you might not be able to walk or dance. Something that’s breathable, moveable, maybe some skirt action when you dance. Nothing that’s too big or too tight.”

For feminine wear, if you don’t want to wear a dress, you could wear a pantsuit or slacks and a button-up. This pantsuit is a great example of staying on theme, staying comfortable, and is a great alternative to dresses!
Guys, you should avoid wearing athletic wear, since prom is a formal event. This includes sneakers, which are too casual for prom! Instead, you should choose dress shoes or formal footwear to complete your look.
And lastly, a big mistake students can make for prom is wearing the same attire as someone else. If you and your friend show up to prom wearing the same outfit, it can be awkward for both of you. You may feel like you’re competing with each other, or that people are comparing you to each other, but if it happens on accident, make the best of it.
The prom is an opportunity for self-expression and personal style display. By intentionally choosing to dress like a friend, you’re passing up a chance to showcase your individual sense of style. When it is a mistake, consider it a chance to make a memorable impression, twice. These are the sort of things that make memories for years to come, and it is your choice to make them positive memories.

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