Be scared and prepare to Scream
Movie Review – Scream VI
I’ve seen a few Scream movies before and some trailers, but they have not prepared me for this particular movie.
It’s not the usual hunt-and-kill straight away anymore. It’s a more suspenseful movie that includes a game. That’s right, a game, to please his own mind, Can you believe that? No one has ever suspected Ghost Face to have his own game show.
Now the movie was phenomenally put together. It was something new and something very interesting. Games like Hide-and-Seek are also found in his game, but instead of being held in a house it’s in a city.
This movie definitely gave me the chills and deserves the attention. Scream VI is that type of movie where if you need a reason to yell or scream — hence the name — in there for your entertainment.
Like many other fans, I was eager to see if the filmmakers could equal the caliber of last year’s Scream while also being unduly enthused about it. Although it’s going to be difficult to top the first two movies — the fourth one is actually quite nice — bravo to everyone who worked on this project because it seems like the franchise is finally in good hands. It not only outperforms its predecessor but also upholds Wes Craven’s legacy while forging its own distinct identity.
I recommend this movie 10/10 watch it when you’re ever free.

Hello! My name is Julissa Madrigal, but feel free to call me Jules for short.
I've lived in California for most of my years. I grew up living in a...