Getting there is job #1

Prom Transportation

James Cole

Whether you’re going in style or borrowing Mom’s car, transportation is a consideration for the big night.

Prom is a night to remember where seniors can have fun and create some of their last memories in high school, but it’s often hard to decide on transportation.

Deciding what to spend will set the stage for the choices that need to be made. Some people might want to split the cost with friends and hire either a party bus or a limousine. There are a couple of local places that can help Royals get to prom in style, including Executive Charters and Limousines. They  have a lot of services, including limousine rentals and party bus rentals.

For a more intimate and romantic journey, some people may opt to have their parents rent a classic car, like a Lincoln Town Car, and drive themselves as well as their date, while others may open the options up to a small group of friends.

Most rentals base their prices on how many hours the vehicle is going to be used. For instance, Executive Charters & Limousines charges about $165 per hour for the limousine and $232 for the party bus. Because of that, it is often only used for arrival while other means of transportation may be chosen for leaving the prom afterward.

Because of the cost of rentals, many students arrange for friends or parents to pick them up afterward or spend their money on clothes and grooming and just use their own car to get to and from the event.