Club 180 Impact Day and Upcoming Elections

On April 20, Club 180, Armijo’s Christian club, participated in a campus clean-up during lunch and after school to finish off their series of missions. Impact Day is a form of campus missions that the club has done in previous years.

Similarly, Club 180 has partnered with The Father’s House in “We Love Our Campus,” in which the club handed out pizza after school on March 17 followed by a campus clean-up. Many other students who are not actively a part of Club 180 also participated in these events.  Their help and sacrifice were greatly appreciated.

Every year, Club 180 has nominations for its officers. The leadership positions that are included are: president, vice president, secretary, chaplains, publicity, and more. These positions give members the opportunity to advance and better the club – discussing and debating on how and what the club does every week. The outgoing Senior leaders entrust this Club that they have built up for four years, to a new leadership group. The leaving Seniors believe and hope that the club will prosper and grow in the future.