Styles change as the days get longer
Fashion Focus – Cutting Edge Looks for Changing Weather
Just like how the weather changes, the way we dress will need to change, too. Emerging from the rainy weather, we won’t need to wear our raincoats as much, since the sun is here to greet us with her bright smile! So, what should we wear for this bright sunny weather?
How do people feel about this weather change in style? “This weather change made me feel down because rain really gave that cool, thriving energy. It paved the way for confidence…” said Tay McElroy. “In the sunny weather, I’m starting to wear jeans. Jeans are like the key. You also want to wear shorts, probably some sandals to get in the summer vibe, you know?”

“Sunny fashion is more open, more diverse,” McElroy said. “Some people like wearing shorts, other people like wearing jeans. It’s different for everybody.”
Unlike most people, Toa Atuatasi doesn’t seem to let the weather control what he wears. His peers say that even in the cold and rainy weather, he wore shorts. Atuatasi said, “Honestly uh—I’m quoting Elsa on this–but, ‘the cold never bothered me anyway.’ When I was younger, I hated wearing pants, so I never wore pants, and I always wore shorts. I just became used to it.”
Toa Atuatasi is a great example of being consistent with your own style–and he takes it even further since he doesn’t let the cold bother him anyway.

I’m in journalism, and I love listening to various types of music. When I say that I listen to various types of music, I mean almost EVERY genre–but...