Spread kindness on the day of love
Photo by Ditto Bowo on Unsplash
Although there is a week for kindness, it’s important for us to be kind every day of the year.
According to National Today, Random Acts of Kindness week starts on Tuesday, February 14, and ends on Monday, February 20, with Random Acts of Kindness Day on Friday, February 17.
These seven days are meant to encourage participants to focus on doing kind acts for others and can be the focus for generosity and service with family and friends. The Acts of Kindness can be simple things, like volunteering to help parents around the house, cooking, washing the dishes, cleaning the house, or folding laundry. Friends can help others by giving gifts for no other reason, helping with homework, or paying for a meal.
Random Acts of Kindness Week can be for people you know, or strangers. Providing hygiene products for the homeless or paying it forward at the drive-through are simple ways to bless others during this week of generosity, but acts of kindness don’t have to involve money. Just talking, listening, smiling, or giving someone a compliment can make someone’s day.
Helping a neighbor or giving someone some change to a charity can influence people in ways you may not even recognize. Being kind to yourself is also a big part of being kind to others, so you should always be kind to yourself, but maybe this week take it up a step further and treat yourself to something special while you treat your friends.
Being kind and someone being kind just makes everyone feel good it. One act of kindness can change the world and help make it a better place. Why not extend the week by making sure to pay back kindness for kindness and start the ball rolling on Valentine’s Day?

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