Problem-solving is priority one
Ms. Santiago – Instructional Materials Technician
Ms. Santiago’s focus on students and their instructional needs.
Every year, almost every student at Armijo gets to interact with Ms. Roxana Santiago, the Instructional Materials Technician. At the beginning of the school year or if they have computer issues, students flock to the book room where Ms. Santiago is able to help them check out textbooks and make things right with their Chromebooks.
Her favorite part of the job, however, is helping teens with problems and seeing their smiles when she has provided solutions. Ms. Santiago also enjoys helping the staff with a variety of problems.
Ms. Santiago has three grown children and her youngest daughter is a graduate of Armijo. While she doesn’t play favorites with her children, or technically the students, she admits that her daughter Savannah is one of her favorite Armijo graduates, and nobody can take her place.
While she has a wide range of interests, one of the surprising things that Ms. Santiago likes to do for fun is fish at Lake Berryessa. She likes to catch catfish, but she returns them to the lake because she doesn’t like the fact that they dine from the bottom of the lake, and it is not very clean.
Students will be visiting with Ms. Santiago again in the spring when they return their books, but others might see her sooner when they go to check out new books for the semester or when they drop in to have their Chromebooks checked. Ms. Santiago is looking forward to more smiles as she solves problems.

Hi My name is Natasha Newton, and I am in the 12th grade. I am from Oakland, California. Adventurous is an adjective that describes me. I show an interest...