When it comes to work, she’s flexible

At Work – Teaunnie Clayton

Kayden Tatham

She has worked a variety of jobs which have given her valuable experience

For four months, Teaunnie Clayton worked at Chili’s as a hostess. Dressed in the company t-shirt, jeans and non-slip shoes, her responsibility was to seat people and clean tables.

Clayton works hard to earn her money. She earned $15 per hour and a portion of the tips, and she was working between 11 and 24 hours each week. Her perspective on work is “get in, get money, and get out!”

The money was good, but she faces some challenges, including some rude coworkers. “I was a great host,” she said. “I was nice to everyone and sat them in a timely manner. I also cleaned [my coworkers’] sections all the time and I didn’t even get a Thank you.”

Despite the way some of her coworkers behaved, Clayton liked most of her bosses.

This was not the first job that Clayton has held. “I worked at Round Table Pizza when I was 15 and Hot Dog on a Stick when I was 16,” she said. On November 11, she started a seasonal position at See’s Candy. “My first day was a little bit difficult and a lot of information, but I think I’ve got the hang of things now,” she said..