The coach behind the team

Girls’ Basketball Coach (Dyamond Mitchell)

Photo by Moustapha Youssouf from Burst

Dedicated coaches like Coach Mitchell create dedicated players.

Dyemond Mitchell chose to become the coach of the Varsity Girls’ Basketball team at Armijo because she believed that her passion for the sport didn’t have to stop after college. “I began playing basketball at a young age and I understand the ins and outs of the game,” she said.

Coach Mitchell sees a lot of potential in the girls on the team and wants them to be successful. Since she has enjoyed playing the sport for years, she decided to move to the coaching side and take advantage of the lessons she’s learned. One of her greatest strengths is going beyond the court because she can relate to how hard school and life can be.

As a coach, she has faced some difficulties, including teaching players that they’re not always going to win. She wants the girls to know that what they take from the losses is an opportunity to learn, and even that can count as a win. 

In an effort to improve her team, she wants to focus on their strengths and lessen up their weaknesses. Five skills she believes a basketball player needs are 1) dedication, 2) drive, 3) discipline, 4) sportsmanship, and 5) determination. 

When it comes to discipline, she is pretty strict on being respectful. If there is an ongoing issue with the team or members of it, it can be handled by running for corrective action. If this issue continues, then she tries to speak to the players involved. Then, if it continues, she believes it is time for the parents to become involved. One time, for instance, she had to speak to a player about a problem. It wasn’t so much disciplining, but instead it was explaining how composure is key. When players understand that, they become better people on the court and in the community and that is one of her ultimate goals for her team members.