Enduring the test of TIME

The magazine chose Elon Musk as Person of the Year for 2021. Who will it be for 2022?
TIME Magazine has been one of the most influential media outlets since 1923. Over the years it’s been noted to be one of the most informative guides for news and such.
One of the reasons that TIME Magazine is so popular as it nears its 100th anniversary in March is because of the variety of topics that it covers, including politics, business, health, science, and entertainment. The magazine is based in New York, for nearly a century it used to be published weekly, although in March of 2020 they changed their
schedule to every other week. Originally, the magazine was going to be named Facts but this was later changed to the name we know today, TIME.
One interesting feature about the magazine is the cover. Its familiar red border consistently leads people to check out the content. Special issues of the magazine have different colors. For instance, an issue printed shortly after 9/11 featured a black border to symbolize mourning. An Earth day issue, on the other hand, featured a green border
and, in 2020, when it covered the protests surrounding George Floyd’s murder were the highlight of the news, the border featured the names of people.
As one of the most influential media outlets it’s seen as an amazing thing to appear on the cover and TIME is known for having people who are very influential on their covers, like politicians and celebrities. Each year, TIME chooses a “person of the year,” which could be an honor or a comment about the culture. It may be an individual or a group.
Some people who have appeared on the covers are Princess Diana, Michael Jackson, Queen Elizabeth, SZA, and Chadwick Boseman.
Even now when print magazines are less common, TIME maintains its popularity. It is still one of the most well-known informative guides. Their consistent publishing keeps their 20 million subscribers well informed on what’s going on in the world.

I grew up in San Jose with my parents and little brother, I moved to Suisun the summer I finished elementary school.
Moving here was difficult for...