And the winner is…
All in a Name: Oscars

Hollywood loves to show off the Oscars, and that’s what The Armijo Signal is doing in this issue, too. There are four students who share that name on campus and they are Oscar Avila Macias, Oscar Chavez, Oscar Rojas Martinez, and Oscar Padilla Angulo.

Most of these young men did not know of any special meaning of their name, either first or last, but Rojas did recognize the uniqueness of his last name. “Rojas means red in Spanish,” he said.

Because there are so many individuals who share his first name and they sometimes also share his classes, Rojas admitted that teachers have resorted to calling him by his last name instead. “It happens sometimes,” he said. Even though Padilla and Chavez have the same PE class with Mr. Matthew Powell, he continues to call them each by their first name.
Sometimes, a baby is named for another family member and both Padilla and

Chavez mentioned that they were not the only people with their first name in their respective families. While most of the Oscars said that they would not want to change their name, Chavez did suggest that it was something he thought about sometimes.

Because they bear the name of the Academy Award, one might wonder what their own favorite movie is and their answers were as diverse as their individual personalities. Avila couldn’t name a movie that was that important to them, but Rojas mentioned a whole series: Rocky (especially the fourth one). Padilla, on the other hand, favors Superbad, while Chavez is a fan of Fast and Furious.
Although very different, these four Oscars will forever have something in common, their name!