A fun and exciting work experience!

At Work: Nicai Gordon-Shorter – Six Flags

Nicai learned the balance with work and school can be difficult.

While Six Flags employees may be building up their annual Frightfest adventure, Nicai Gordon-Shorter will not be there. She no longer works at Six Flags, but she had a crazy and fun experience while she was there.

“Working at Six Flags was great,” she said. “I loved the experience and opportunity I was given. I had fun with my co-workers, and I learned a lot from working there.”

She needed a summer job and decided that there would be no place quite as fun to work. Gordon-Shorter worked as a cook at one of the amusement park’s restaurants. She prepared the food and worked the register, but sometimes it was uncomfortable. “One thing I hated was the heat. It was summer and being in a room with hot grills and fryers, it gets hot very fast,” she said.

“The craziest story I can tell is an incident that happened within my first week of being there,” she said. “A lady came to the food desk and told me that her order was wrong but, instead of saying it kindly, she threw her order onto the counter and was overall disrespectful.”

She only worked there for about two months, but had to quit when school started up again. “It was fun while it lasted,” she said. It didn’t hurt that the job was easy and the pay wasn’t too bad, either.