FNL helps bring Armijo to life
Club Focus: Friday Night Live

FNL club offers a new way to connect with others and the community
Friday Night Live (FNL) is a community-based club that has done a lot, including providing food and clothing for local homeless people and building awareness about tobacco abuse and dating violence. “Youth involved in the FNL programs work on alcohol, tobacco, drug prevention, and other issues of concern in their school and community,” said Mr. Jordan Winkfield, the Youth Activities Specialist at the Solano County Office of Education. “The programs provide young people with the skills, support, opportunities, and competencies they need to become healthy, productive adults.”
This year we will be focusing on helping animal shelters in obtaining food, toys, and other items that the animals need, most likely teaming with the AVID classes in their annual Pet Drive, but also providing things throughout the year.
Joining FNL is easy. Students don’t need to have any experience in helping people. The club just asks for participants to be dedicated and care about the community. The club meets on Thursday in G-7 and anyone can visit. Not only is membership fun, but it also looks great on a college application!, and participants build leadership skills in the process. Questions can be directed to President Salene Esparza at [email protected] or adviser Ms. Jennifer Ramsey at [email protected].

Aldo Suarez is an artist. A resident of California, he is a very kind and helpful, always wanting to help people no matter what. He has always found creativity...