Control your emotions or lose your life
Movie Review – Smile

A smile rarely tells the whole story.
On September 30, Smile came out in theaters around the country. If you haven’t seen this recent horror flick, this month would be a great time to see it.
Laura (Caitlyn Stacey) is a student who appears at the beginning of the film. After seeing her professor commit suicide as he smiled at her, she started having panic attacks and eventually kills herself, slitting her own neck with a sizable piece of glass. This entire incident was observed by a girl named Rose (Sosie Bacon).
The moment Rose, a nurse at the mental hospital, notices Carl (Jack Sochet), one of the patients, smiling at her, she flips out and believes she is going to pass away.
After some time, Rose discovers that she was really having hallucinations and that Carl was actually asleep the entire time. Rose’s supervisor gave her a week off because of her poor mental health, but her personal life is somewhat destroyed as a result. It makes things with her fiancé more difficult, as well as her relationship with her sister Holly (Gillian Zinser).
Holly’s situation was already challenging because of a number of factors, particularly in the wake of their mother’s passing. Rose was extremely young when she discovered her mother’s overdose-related death since their mother was a very violent abuser. After learning that Laura’s professor smiled as he committed suicide, Rose believes she is cursed.
She gets in touch with the prof’s ex and claims that after witnessing a woman commit suicide, her husband had never been the same. When someone watches another person taking their own life while grinning, the police conduct investigations and learn that there are paranormal hauntings that occur. They learn that the curse’s chain may be broken, but the only way to do so is to murder someone else in front of a witness. Rose then makes an effort to break the curse.
If horror is your thing, you’ll definitely want to experience the gore and psychological adventure that is Smile. It has an unusual plot and the character’s motives are all very gripping. Just watch out for those people who smile.

I spend most of my time watching TV and hanging out with my little sisters. I enjoy watching Stranger Things and eating Mexican food.