How did house cats become what we know today?
Cats are one of the most popular pets out there!
Pets are an essential part of some of our lives; they’re friends and family. A popular pet throughout the world is the housecat, but how have housecats come to be domesticated and become our pets?
According to the Library of Congress and National Geographic, cat domestication first began in the Fertile Crescent farming communities as early as 4400 BC and then spreading to Ancient Egypt.
All domesticated cats come from wildcats called Felis silvestris lybica which resided in Fertile Crescent and Ancient Egypt. According to National Geographic, humans and cats had their first interaction when rodents started to eat our crops and cats had likely followed the rodents to the farms, and, because of this, humans allowed cats to stay with them.
At first we let them live with us on the farms, but then we slowly allowed them to domesticate themselves. Through this process of self-domestication, cats and humans have slowly learned to stay by each other’s side.
Cats have become very important to people. They’re one of the most popular pets in the world, with over 74 million living in US homes. According to, one very popular cat breeds is the Siamese, who are typically known for their affectionate and outgoing nature. The Bengal is another popular cat breed, as they are known for their leopard-like appearance and their affection towards humans. A very popular cat breed among them all is the domestic short hair; they’re very low maintenance and known to be an ideal family companion.
Our relationship with cats have come a long way; they used to be around us for convenience but now our bond with the felines have turned into something close to family.

I grew up in San Jose with my parents and little brother, I moved to Suisun the summer I finished elementary school.
Moving here was difficult for...