Her passions in life aren’t just teaching!

Teacher Feature (Ms. Jennifer Ramsey, English)

Daniela Contreras

While Ms. Ramsey loves what she does for a living, she lives for what she loves to do.

Before becoming a teacher, Ms. Jennifer Ramsey wanted to be a lawyer. “I loved reading and writing. Those subjects are especially important today because of upcoming technology a lot of people may not know how,” she said. Ms. Ramsey teaches 9th- 11th grade English. She started her teaching at Armijo in 2019.

In order to prepare for her teaching career, Ms. Ramsey attended Sacramento State. She worked in a law office while in school and was able to balance both work and school. “It doesn’t matter where you go to college, just how serious you take it,” she said.

Ms. Ramsey is inspired when she hears about good things people do. “There are more good people in the world!” she said. She takes pride in being a huge animal lover and animal rescuer. While she has been saving animals all her life, last year she rescued three feral black kittens that were living on campus. She kept the cats together and named them Larry, Moe and Curly, after The Three Stooges. She also has a hummingbird that she keeps in a bird sanctuary in her backyard, safely away from the kittens.

Ms. Ramsey loves that so many people on campus share her interest in animals. She respects them so much that she has even made the choice of going vegan. She also values being around people who don’t care about money, but instead about what is right.

Another thing that makes Ms. Ramsey stand out is her commitment to running. She goes running every morning before she starts her day as a teacher. “I think of running as a form of meditation,” she said. “I listen to podcasts or audiobooks while going for my run. I started running as a teenager with my Dad and haven’t stopped since. It gives me
energy and patience for teaching.”

Ms. Ramsey has four grown kids, three boys and a girl: Tyler (35), Dylan and Brandon (32, Twins) and Emma (30). She was born and raised in Citrus Heights, which is an hour away from Fairfield. Her favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, for the mashed potatoes, and in her downtime she loves reading and spending time with her grandchildren.

Advice she has for students is to put phones away, pay attention and, most importantly, live in the moment.