How to submit your poem to Daily Republic


1. Choose an artwork you want to write to. Sign up at the Gallery on the provided sheet there, giving your name, title of the artwork and the artist’s name, and your email.
2. Keep poems to 40 lines or less.
3. Send your poem by Thursday, Sept. 30 th 5:00pm to: [email protected]
*Please send poem as an attachment either in Word doc or pdf (Do not put it in the body of your email)

Suzanne Bruce, Poet Laureate, will print out your poem and place it in the binder to be kept at the Gallery during the length of the exhibit.

4. You are invited to read your poem at the October 1st reception.

Reception October 1, 2022
4:00- 6:00pm

NOTE: When you send your poem to Suzanne, please indicate if you will be attending the reception or not. If you are coming, please bring a copy of your poem for you to read from.