Enjoy writing? Take a hike!

October 15 at Patwino Worrtla Kodoi Dihi Open Space Park (formerly Rockville Hills Preserve) 9 am – 1 pm

In conjunction with the Solano Land Trust, Poet Laureate Suzanne Bruce will be hosting a “Hike and Write.”

The hike will be easy/light medium around a mile. A docent will be leading us, sharing history and stories. Bring pen and paper. We will hike a bit, stop and write and continue on, spontaneous and casual. Wear comfortable clothing, a hat, and good walking shoes.
Bring lunch and water.

***NOTE: Please email Suzanne Bruce at fairfieldpoetlaureate@gmail.com by October 11th if you are coming. We need to have a headcount.

We will meet at the Ice House parking lot on Suisun Valley Road and drive to the property together. Be there a bit before 9:00am or as close as you can so we can start on time.

The schedule will be something like this:
The docent will fill us in on the park as we go through the hike. Samuel Adams, the  Communications Specialist for the Solano Land Trust, will also come with us to share historical information. Aleta George, a local author who is very familiar with SLT and this area, will lead us in ideas about how nature can inspire your writing.

We will hike around 15-20 minutes, then stop to talk/write for about 10 minutes. We will continue this routine until we reach the end. There will be time at the end to finish writing down your ideas/poems/stories. If you would like to share your writing you can. Or, if you prefer not to, that is fine also. Then we will have lunch!

Some may prefer to work on their final poems or short stories after the hike is over. If you would like to share that final version with the Hike and Write group, you can send it to me by October 30th, and I will put them all in a zip file and email to every attendee.

Patwino Worrtla Kodoi Dihi | Solano Land Trust : Suisun City, CA

For questions, email Suzanne Bruce: fairfieldpoetlaureate@gmail.com