One of the top students moves torward the future!
Salutatorian Kaleb Ugalde
Grades show that Kaleb is the smartest young man in the Class of 2022.
It’s not easy being one of Armijo’s top students, but for Kaleb Ugalde, it was a little bit of a surprise. “I honestly didn’t realize that I was the Salutatorian until I received this email,” he said when he responded to a message from requesting an interview. “I feel fine, but thankful for the honor.” Salutatorian is the student in the graduating class that has the second highest grade point average.
With five young ladies in the top spot, Ugalde has the privilege of being the smartest young man in his class. “Thanks for the compliment,” he said. “I hear it every day.” While he doesn’t get to make a speech at the ceremony, he would encourage anyone who does to “try to make it memorable and not put everyone to sleep.”
Over the years, in addition to being a good student, Ugalde has been part of the Robotics Club and this year he was honored to serve as President of the club. “I have also been involved in French Club, Key Club, and National Honor Society.” His hobbies include “watching documentaries and eating desserts.”
With high school all but behind him, Ugalde has his eyes on the future. “I plan on working as a software engineer at a start-up or a well-established tech company after graduating college,” he said.
It is traditional to ask students what they would do if they could change one thing about Armijo and he found the answer in an earlier response. “In the words of my sister, Keziah (Class of 2016), ‘I would also put the new rolling chairs in each class. They’re so much fun!’ – cited from The Armijo Signal, September 2015 Volume XX, Issue 1,” he said.
In the end, though, he shared his own words: “Thanks Armijo for the memories. I’m excited to leave and move on to bigger and better things!”