We live in America’s most diverse state

Photo by Rezaul Karim on Unsplash

San Francisco is one of California’s most populated cities, enriched in diversity.

The United States is home to 50 unique states, each with its own set of diverse cultures, economies, and politics. However, the one that remains the most distinct is the Golden State itself. California is known for its iconic destinations, various landscapes, and deep history. However, when taking into account the differing aspects in society, California presents itself as the most widely diverse state in America.

The wonderful blend of people and cultures in the United States has often been described as a “melting pot”. A phase that originally originated from the early 20th Century with immigration has remained relative when describing the merge of cultures that has helped produce a stronger and more united country (Why is America Called the Melting Pot). Although there are many diverse areas in the United States, according to Adam McCann’s article, Most & Least Diverse States in America, California takes the cake.

McCann calculates this diversity in the states through categories of socio-economics, culture, religion, politics, and economics. These details are important in determining the effects diversity has on society and allow us to see the change happening within the states. These categories also have many subcategories to them that are taken into account as well. For example, cultural diversity is separated into groups of race, linguistics, and birthplace. Here, California received high points in birthplace diversity (Most & Least Diverse States in America).

Another example of diversity in the Golden State is in the category of religious diversity. Religion can be a big part in one’s culture and the portrayal of differing religions in California reflects a wide range of different people and cultures.

This investigation allows us to highlight the amazing diversity of California and appreciate the wonderful aspects that make it what it is. California is a state that is full of unique people with different lifestyles and situations but through these differences we are united to make one wonderful state.