Lessons about I Love Lucy

Rotton Tomatoes

This early TV sit-com was innovative and paved the way for future comedies.

Known as one of the most beloved comedy sitcoms, I Love Lucy paved the way for the entertainment industry and has created a 71-year old legacy within the realm of television and comedy. However, its mast popularity, beloved actors, and iconic look, what is I Love Lucy really about and how does it remain a relevant show to this day? 

During its six-season run the show focused on the relationship between Ricky, played by Desi Arnaz, and Lucy Ricardo, played by Lucille Ball. The “I” in the show’s title is meant to represent Ricky, however the show features many of their friends such as Fred and Ethel Mertz (I Love Lucy: An American Legend). The show followed their lives in New York with Ricky, a Cuban band leader, and Lucy, a stay at home wife. This character became one of the most iconic representations of the 1950s wife. Despite her position at home, Lucy always longs for a role in the entertainment business and often found humorous ways to achieve her plans, even though they always ultimately failed. Even when together, Ricky and Lucy brought a comedy like no other as they pulled pranks and had a sweet relationship that captured many hearts. 

The show also introduced the landlords and friends, Fred and Ethel Mertz, who often stirred up comedy with the Ricardo’s as they had also spent time as performers in Vaudeville shows before becoming landlords. The two families were inseparable and joined each other in many humorous situations.

However, in 1953, a change to the show would shift the focus onto a new topic: parenthood. The show introduced Little Ricky, the Ricardos’ son, which allowed the show to venture into themes of parental responsibilities and the comedy that can come along with it (I Love Lucy). These sudden surprises and joys added to the plot and kept the audience engaged and entertained as they waited to see where life would take the Ricardo’s next. 

The reason why I Love Lucy has stayed a relevant show throughout all these years is the reliability that comes with it. It showcases a family going through their lives and coming face-to-face with challenges and triumphs, and somethings dealing with them in funny ways. Although some of the portrayals of life are outdated, like Lucy’s role as a stay-at-home wife, the overall message of family and friends has remained timeless. Its dramatic comedic effect, lovable characters, and relatable topics kept audiences coming back for more and became the first television show to run reruns. So sit back, relax, and turn on this classic sitcom that will have you laughing away.