Famous introverts through history
There have been numerous figures who have contributed to the world across our history, in science, mathematics, drama, literature, and more. Some of them have even been considered geniuses, due to the impact they have created and in revolutionizing their dedicated area. But what sets these individuals apart from the rest?
In many cases, it is because they are introverts. According to Merriam-Webster, an introvert is defined as “a typically reserved or quiet person who tends to be introspective and enjoys spending time alone.” I’m sure that many of us can identify, and understand some of the struggles this can bring, struggles which can usually be resolved.
Here are some of the most influential introverts of history. You might even recognize several of these names!
Albert Einstein: World-renowned physicist Albert Einstein is considered one of the greatest minds of history. He is famous for designing his theory of relativity, which revolutionized how weview and understand concepts such as space, time, gravity, and our entire universe. He even won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his work and discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. Einstein firmly believed that his creativity flourished because of his introversion. His philosophy of life was closely aligned with his quote, “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulate the creative mind”, which he believed was key in his success.
Emma Watson: The similarities between Watson and the character she once played, Hermione Granger, are uncanny. They are both introverts and very bookish; they are passionate and advocate for social welfare, and are highly intelligent. English actress Emma Watson is well known for her independent films and blockbusters, as well as advocating for Women’s Rights. Watson identifies herself as feminist and a natural introvert and, after finally accepting her genuine self, she has realized that introverts like her can make a difference and change the world, too.
Mahatma Gandhi: Political ethicist and lawyer Mahatma Gandhi is widely known for his nonviolent forms of resistance against British rule in his home country India. He was a key figure in inspiring Civil Rights and Independence movements all over the world. He created a significant impact, and was known as “the great-souled one” by his followers. Gandhi once said, “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” This shows his introverted nature of civil disobedience, which was necessary to lead these movements.
Audrey Hepburn: Considered one of the greatest actresses of the Golden Age of Hollywood, British actress Audrey Hepburn is widely recognized for her roles in films such as Roman Holiday and Breakfast at Tiffany’s. She was known to be an introvert, as well as someone who was highly sensitive but highly professional. Hepburn herself even claims that she is an introvert, by stating “I’m an introvert…I love being by myself, love being outdoors, love taking a long walk with my dogs and looking at the trees, flowers, the sky.” She was also a humanitarian, which is fitting enough as she was a goodwill ambassador of UNICEF.
Keanu Reeves: Canadian actor Keanu Reeves is one of the most widely respected actors in Hollywood, beginning his career in the ‘80s. He has gained a reputation of being a very versatile and strong actor, mostly participating in action movies, for example John Wick. The ironic detail in this is that the character that Reeves portrays on-screen is completely different to how he truly is. Reeves is described as having an introverted nature, and considered the most soft-spoken film star ever.
Introverts are considered to be very special with unique minds, and as someone who considers themselves as an introvert, this is something very reassuring to hear. And, my fellow introverts, don’t feel bad because you’re not an extrovert. Don’t forget that you can shine on your own, and that some of the most influential people that we know are introverts as well!

Hey there, I’m Dulce Bernal Ortiz! If you don’t know who I am, I’m a senior at Armijo High School, serving this year as your People Editor (second...