When rules are relaxed, showcase your talent!
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash
Singers and strummers, your chance is coming soon!
Music Fest is an event where individuals or groups come together to showcase their talents. It is an event that has regularly been hosted on the Armijo campus for years and, despite the pandemic, Leadership has tried to keep it alive.
Last year, Music Fest was an online activity, with a handful of performers on Google Meets and games for students to interact with. In 2020, the event was cancelled because of COVID, but the year before about 40 students had signed up, while only 25 were allowed to perform.
This year, the event was originally scheduled for the first week of March, but recent COVID recommendations have discouraged large gatherings and it has been postponed indefinitely.
When it resumes, the qualifying performances should include singing, playing instruments or even dancing. Students should keep an eye out for updated information in their email and here in The Armijo Signal.