District honors Teacher of the Year
Congratulations FF teacher, Mr. Christopher Romo
Mr. Romo earned top honors in the District.
The Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District (FSUSD) announced Christopher Romo as its 2021-22 District Teacher of the Year. The announcement came January 13, Thursday night, at the Governing Board meeting. Mr. Romo currently serves as a special education teacher at Fairfield High School.
Mr. Romo is very deserving of this recognition,” FSUSD Superintendent Kris Corey said. “Mr. Romo’s focus is always on what is best for his students. He builds strong, meaningful relationships with his students and helps them achieve their full potential. He is a gifted educator, and FSUSD is blessed to have him in our organization.
Romo has been teaching for almost 20 years and has kept the same feeling for teaching and learning all these years. He has dedicated his career to serving students with special needs. In addition to teaching in the classroom, Romo has shared his talents as a consulting teacher and program specialist.
“Teaching is about revisiting the past, reviewing the current state and looking into the future,” said Romo about his teaching philosophy. “But at our core, we often value the same elements that steered us into this profession: a passion and love for serving students, their families, and this community. It isn’t about being your best; it’s about the constant forward motion of surpassing your best.”
Romo has taken this passion and steered it towards addressing the holistic needs of the student. He expressed how important it is to not only meet their educational needs, but their social-emotional needs as well.
“Addressing Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) requires a whole school approach and the conversations that have been happening in the past couple of years are a good thing,” Romo said. “The silver lining through this pandemic is that the topic of SEL is helping structure conversations and planning around this important area.”
Mr. Romo teaches functional life skills to students with moderate/severe disabilities, which often requires student support in the areas of emotional and behavioral needs. In his class, the needs of the student drive and frame the instruction. He says, “Teachers have an important role in helping students navigate SEL. A system can be created to have layers of individuals to help assist students.”
Ultimately, Romo believes a holistic system created and built by the school and the surrounding community is the best way to assist students. Mr. Romo’s students have worked hand in hand with the community on multiple projects, including a volunteer partnership with the city of Fairfield and the Adopt-a-Park program to do a park clean up at Veterans Memorial Park a few times each school year. The students are honored with a sign at the park noting their commitment to the project and by the city of Fairfield at a city council meeting.
“I’m extremely proud of the work our students do in the community and the connection we have beyond the boundaries of our school,” Romo said. “More and more we see the link between the community and our schools. The importance of the community supporting the school, while schools serve the community cannot be emphasized enough. The community supporting our schools and the schools serving the community are one in the same.”
The Governing Board honored thirty-one site teacher nominees with certificates who competed for the District Teacher of the Year award. Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Ken Whittemore applauded the nominees in saying, “These teachers’ qualities are indicative of the over 1100 certificated members who serve our children each day. We are proud of all of our certificated staff.”
The school site teachers of the year honored were as follows:
- Jorge Albarran – Public Safety Academy
- Janet Ayris – H. Glenn Richardson
- Jennifer Baker – Cordelia Hills Elementary
- Alexandra Becker – Dan O. Root Health & Wellness Academy
- Sheena Beeson – Armijo High School
- Sandra Burke – Nelda Mundy Elementary
- Kevin Butt – Tolenas Academy of Music and Media
- Brittney Callaway – Mary Bird
- Sarah Daly – Suisun Valley School
- Michelle Dillman – K.I. Jones Elementary
- Sierra Donahue – Grange Middle School
- Jackie Farmer – Laurel Creek Elementary
- Jennifer Fee – B. Gale Wilson School
- Erin Furnary – Dover Academy for International Studies
- Janis Gillespie – Anna Kyle Elementary
- Marni Henderson – Cleo Gordon Elementary
- Christine Hunt – Fairview Elementary
- Karron Koehler – Green Valley Middle School
- Amy Love-Fields – Crescent Elementary
- Laura Masterpaul – Anna Kyle Elementary
- Yolanda Mitchell-Blacknell – David A. Weir Preparatory Academy
- Katherine Molina – Crystal Middle School
- Tamara Moroe – Rodriguez High School
- Karen Robinson – Suisun Elementary
- Christopher Romo – Fairfield High School
- Carouzel Sorono – Sheldon Academy of Innovative Learning
- Melissa Strain – Fairfield-Suisun Adult School
- Kelly “Sunny” Sunseri – Sem Yeto High School
- Andrea Taylor Williams – Virtual Academy
- Mae Valles – Early College High School
- Tiffany Vea – Tolenas Academy of Music and Media
In 1972, California began the Teacher of the Year Program to honor and recognize the teaching profession. Every FSUSD teacher nominee is exemplary and highly qualified. They not only provide quality instruction, but also build strong relationships which positively impacts the future of their students and our community.