Where are indie films coming from?

"Indie film at the Nuart with @lumberjacqbott!" by stevebott is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

You might’ve watched an indie film but never realized it. Keep reading to find out!

The new wave of indie films taking Hollywood by storm is no surprise to the film industry as independent filmmakers have always been part of the evergrowing history of film. Films such as Booksmart, The Farewell, and Parasite (reviewed in the Entertainment section) have shined a light on this growing production of film and have many wondering, what exactly are indie films? 

The term refers to independent films made and distributed by an independent entertainment company. Generally, this means that the film has a smaller budget than those created by major companies. However, they are often seen as being more unique than other films as they are created by creative and experimental directors outside of the mainstream entertainment industry (What is An Indie Film: A Complete Guide to Indie Film).

The rise of indie films is seen as a revolution in the film industry as it challenged the popular Hollywood narratives of the 1930s and 50s and introduced a new age of experimentation. After World War II audiences craved an authentic and new approach to entertainment. The first movements were taken in Europe with Italian Neo-Realism and French New Wave. Young and inexperienced filmmakers used nonprofessional actors, real locations, and rough shooting to create a new unique look. Slowly, across the world young artists started to challenge the traditional film styles and created their own unique indie films in their countries. In the United States indie films such as Bonnie and Clyde and Easy Rider became cultural successes and paved the way for American indie films (Independent Cinema: Crash Course Film History). 

Today we can thank these rebellious creators as they paved the way for future filmmakers to test the limits of film. Some indie films are hidden gems as they don’t receive much publicity compared to major motion pictures. However, with support from audiences many indie films become well known and grow into financial and cultural success. So the next time you watch a movie check, is it an indie film? You might just be surprised.