Striking the right chord
Club Focus – Guitar Club
Have you ever wanted to play an instrument but weren’t sure if you would like it? You should check out the Guitar Club. Guitar Club meets during lunch sometimes and after school sometimes from 3 to 3:30 pm. You don’t need to have any experience, just a love for music.
“People who join Guitar Club don’t need to have experience or bring their own instrument since we have enough people who know how to play guitar that are willing to teach people that have just started,” said adviser Mr. Michael Blum. “We recognize that many people are at different levels of playing music and we don’t want to shut anyone out…
“We always do International Week in May, and we occasionally do guitar performances in the garden. Those are unannounced, unexpected and we keep it open and loose,” said Mr. Blum.
Max Delgadillo serves as Guitar Club President. It is his passion and he enjoys seeing others who share his passion for music. “During freshman year I knew I really liked the guitar so I joined the Guitar Club because… I thought it would be a cool experience.”
Music has helped Delgadillo as a form of meditation and he believes those who play any instrument will enjoy the benefits of stress relief. In his case, if he ever feels overwhelming negative emotions, he finds relief when he can just pick up his guitar and play. “Music is a form of meditation,” he said.
“If I had unlimited resources for the Guitar Club, I would try to get people to join, and I would try to get more guitars so that people can have the experience of playing the guitar. It would help and benefit the kids here who have probably never played the guitar before,” Delgadillo said.
If you want to join or check out more about the Guitar Club, visit Mr. Blum in A-5 and ask when they meet, or email him at [email protected].

Aldo Suarez is an artist. A resident of California, he is a very kind and helpful, always wanting to help people no matter what. He has always found creativity...