Back to School Night offers options
September 2 from 6 – 7:30 pm
Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash
Parents are invited to meet the teachers.
School is back in full swing, and so are our school events. This Thursday, September 2, parents are encouraged to join their students for Back to School Night as the world gets one step closer to being back to normal.
This year, Back to School Night runs from 6 – 7:30 pm. Students and parents will receive about 10 minutes to go through each class and meet the teachers. Online links will also be available for the parents who are not able to attend. All people on campus will be expected to wear masks when interacting with others.
Back to School Night is a great way for students, parents, and teachers to form bonds and communicate. The more teachers get to learn about their class members, the easier the school year can be for communication and meeting expectations.
Just a reminder: Friday, September 3 is a Minimum Day. The classes are each 35 minutes long and students will be dismissed at 12:20. Those who wish to stay for lunch are welcome. That evening is the Alumni Football Tailgate Party and Game. Students wearing purple and / or gold and / or Royals’ gear get in free.

Elijah Shackleford, a freshman at Armijo, hopes to take on the challenge high school provides and take on a new role of staff writer.
Attending four...