Take a picture. It will last longer

Wolrd Photo Day – August 19

Photo by sarandy westfall on Unsplash

Art, memories, or just because… a photo can do it all.

World Photo Day is an international holiday that is celebrated every year on August 19. The first time this holiday was celebrated and held was in August of 2010.

According to National Day Calendar, this holiday came about when a bunch of photographers decided to get together and share their work on a public online gallery for everyone to see and appreciate. It became an international holiday rather than just a national holiday because of the large amount of people that visited from other countries. Apparently people from all over the world ended up visiting these artists’ online galleries.

The French especially like to celebrate this day because it’s the day the French government purchased a patent for the daguerreotype process in 1839. It was one of the first widely available photo processes that allowed for very detailed photos, back in the 19th century. We’ve come a long way now with many photos coming directly through phone technology.

One of the best ways to celebrate World Photo Day is by submitting your own photography to www.worldphotographyday.com, but if you aren’t ready to do that, you could always just share your favorite photos on social media with the hashtag #WorldPhotographyDay.