Left-handed, right-brained

International Left-Handers’ Day – August 13

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

Writing as a left-hander creates different challenges.

The first International Left-Handers’ Day was celebrated in 1976, according to Wikipedia. It was started by Dean R Campbell, founder of the Left-Handers International Incorporation and is celebrated annually on August 13.

International left-handers day recognizes all of the individuals who have mastered using their left hand. EverydayHealth.com tells us that only about 10% of our population are left-handed and are capable of using the right side of their brains.

Left-handed people are said to have some challenges in life but the complications of being left-handed boost their readiness for the challenges they will face later on in life. A study showed that left-handed people are excellent problem solvers and are more likely to pass their driver’s tests. It is also said that they often find career paths in visual arts (silive.com).