Splat, splash and then you laugh!
National Water Balloon Day – August 6
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
A great way to spend your dwindling summer days.
Summer vacation is coming to an end, but you can still celebrate with National Water Balloon Day on Friday, August 6.
Who doesn’t enjoy a good water balloon fight on a warm summer day?
While balloons have been around since the 1800’s, it wasn’t until 1950 that water balloon fun could take place, thanks to Edgar Ellington (History of Balloons). Since then, backyards haven’t been the same.
Nowadays kids can compete in a water balloon fight, a fun way to cool off on a sunny day. Besides keeping us cool, a water balloon fight is an excellent way to expend a little energy, too.
Water balloons are popular at summer camps and backyard barbecues. If you would like to have fun during National Water Balloon Day, you can start by picking up an assortment of water balloons.
A Texas named Josh Malone has made it easier when he invented Bunch O’ Balloons in 2014, where you can fill 100 balloons in 60 seconds (Facebook). Now that they are easier to prepare, there are also many games to play during National Water Balloon Day. Check out Water Balloon Games for some ideas. Also, don’t forget to tell a friend and invite them over to play during National Water Balloon Day. Remember, have fun and be safe!

Dayanara Alvarenga is a student, and daughter, and a sister. She likes to take walks with friends and family as well as talk to and meet new people. She...