Go for a ride round and round

National Merry-Go-Round Day – July 25

Photo by Melanie Vaz on Unsplash

Local merry-go-rounds still thrill children.

While many people have never ridden a real horse, most have experienced a ride on the classic theme park attraction of the merry-go-round. One of the oldest attractions, the Merry-Go-Round gets its own day of celebration on July 25, acknowledging its history and joy it brings to people across the world (National Merry Go Round Day).

Merry-go-rounds, also known as carousels, can be dated back to 500 A.D. where the Byzantine Empire used baskets around a pole for a similar attraction. In the 18th century, they were inspired by medieval jousting (The Merry-Go-Rounds, Booths, and Showfronts). And later, in the 19th-century carousels were moved by donkeys or men. The experience was adventurous and unknown to most people as horses were owned by nobles.

The merry-go-round located at the Museum of Fairground Arts in France dates back to the 1900s and contains lines of traditional horses and painted ceilings by Marius Coppier. Today, modern merry-go-rounds are circular platforms around a pole that move passengers using a motor. Adjustments can often be seen to the style of the ride as characters or different themes are added to the traditional design.

On National Merry-Go-Round Day, we acknowledge the history and craftsmanship that pairs along with this fair favorite. Taking a trip out to visit merry-go-rounds can be a fun adventure to celebrate the day. Some local carousels include Golden Gate Park Carousel, Leroy King Carousel, and Tilden Regional Park Merry-Go-Round.

If you want to know more about this iconic ride, visit https://manentailequine.com/carousels/.