The children of your parents’ siblings can be your best friends
National Cousins Day – July 24
Photo by Tiachen Aier on Unsplash
Celebrate your family connections.
Cousins have a lifelong impact, even if they are strangers to us.
Whether your cousin is just a name, your arch nemesis, or your closest friend, celebrate National Cousins Day on July 24.
“Today gives us a reason to make amends with estranged family, beginning with our cousins,” says National Today (
Over quarantine, many of us may have not had the chance to see close family members, and many are still physically distant, but a phone call or even a text is an easy way to reconnect the close bond found between cousins.
For many of us, cousins have been there through it all, from sneaking away at family reunions to making each other laugh over the memories you’ve shared. On National Cousins Day, reminisce on the good old days and make sure to share photos of you and your cousins on social media with the hashtag provided by National Day Calendar (, #NationalCousinsDay.

Kayla Xiong Vang works as a staff member for The Armijo Signal. It’s her first year in journalism at Armijo, and she writes articles for the students...