Make this day an eye-opener

National Refreshment Day – July 22

Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash

Refresh yourself with something cold and sweet.

This year, the fourth Thursday of July lands on July 22, which means it is National Refreshment Day!

According to National Day Calendar, The Traveler Beer Company created this day in 2015 to show off ice cold drinks and to make sure people stay hydrated. Whether you’re just getting off work or decided to travel to a beach or go camping, you can open up a refreshing beverage – maybe a frosty root beer or sparkling ginger ale.

Remember that you always need to refresh in your daily cycle, so taking a break is recommended and using that break to drink something fresh and delicious is highly recommended. Never mind diets and unhealthy drinks on National Refreshment Day. Just drink what you want because that’s what this day is all about!

While the creators were thinking of promoting their own product on this day, there are other ways to refresh yourself. Consider massage therapy and taking a break to refresh your brain.

Maybe watch a comedy or live stand-up comedy. You might consider going to the Journey Coffee in downtown Vacaville on July 30 for Unity in the Community. After all, laughter is a really good medicine; it’s been proven that it improves the immune system and relieves stress.

Read a book, play some video games and relax. Just be sure to take some time just for yourself and you’ll be rather refreshed and ready to move ahead.