Reach out, share joy

National Cheer Up the Lonely Day – July 11

Image by Kranich17 from Pixabay

Time and thought work to make others smile.

July 11 is a day to reach outside yourself. National Cheer Up the Lonely Day encourages you to be a bright spot in someone else’s life by sharing a little extra thoughtfulness.

Consider people who might be lonely due to health issues, financial reasons, grief caused by a loss, or personal reasons. If you can think of someone who might be isolated, you might use this day to cheer him or her up.

During COVID and since then, a lot of people have been depressed because they weren’t able to see their friends and family. There are lots of ways to share your smile with them, whether or not you know someone personally.

You might consider sharing magazines with a sick friend or visiting a relative who you haven’t seen for a while. Watch a movie with them and share some freshly popped popcorn. Even if you can’t connect with someone personally, you might be able to cheer another up with a playlist of inspirational music.

On National Cheer Up the Lonely Day, look beyond yourself and see what you can do for someone else. You’ll both feel better in the end.