Armijo’s student section creates opportunities

Give me an A!

Armijo High School has a spirit section or a student section like many other high schools in the area. But Armijo’s is a tad different, calling themselves ‘A-Team.’ A-Team is put together primarily from the leadership program, but many other students join in to be apart of supporting their school. A-team supports almost all of the basketball and football games, and tries to also target other sports throughout the year.

Although the goal is to support the teams around Armijo, the students cheering also have created many long-lasting memories by being a part of A-team. A freshman, Nathan Klassen, who was new to A-team stated, “A-team has given me a sense of comfort and pride in Armijo. They are great people who love being involved at Armijo and cheering on our sports teams. A-team is always able to have a good spirit even when our team is losing, and they love what they’re doing!”

A-team brings together many different students from Armijo to create an experience that they will remember throughout their life. Although many freshmen have positive comments on the student section, many upperclassmen do as well. “A-team provides a fun and inviting environment to enjoy and embrace the games at Armijo, and I really enjoy them,” boasts a junior at Armijo, Alejandro Vera. A-team is a great aspect to the school and come out and join in the fun and make lasting experiences with your peers at Armijo’s next basketball game!