Stay safe in summer storms

Lightning Safety Awareness Week – June 20 to 26

Photo by Mélody P on Unsplash

Watch for the warning signs around you.

Lightning Safety Awareness Week occurs every year on the last full week of June. This year, that is June 20 – 26.

Even though our chances of getting struck by lightning are pretty slim (1-in-500,000, according to the CDC), it’s better to be safe than sorry. According to, lightning happens when the negative charges or “electrons” in the bottom of the cloud are attracted to the positive charges; “protons” in the ground. When those two connect, lightning forms.

There are 7-signs-that-lightning-is-about-to-strike:

  1. You See Tall, Bright White Clouds
  2. You Can Hear the Thunder Approaching
  3. You See Your Hair Standing on End or Feel Tingling
  4. You Taste Something Metallic
  5. You Smell the Scent of Ozone in the Air
  6. You Start to Get Dizzy or Sweat
  7. You Can Hear Vibrating, Buzzing, or Crackling

If you are aware of these signs, do not panic. The CDC recommends that you follow these instructions if you are outside:

  1. Get off of elevated areas immediately (hills, mountain ridges, peaks)
  2. Do NOT lie flat on the ground
  3. Do not use a cliff, rocky overhang, or an isolated tree for shelter

If you are inside your home, says to avoid plumbing, stay away from windows and doors, and not lie on concrete floors or lean against concrete walls.

While we don’t generally have issues with lightning in Northern California, many of you may need this information if you are traveling where summer storms are more prevalent. Stay informed and stay safe.