What will your last message be?
Book teview – The Last Message Received
What was your last message sent?
Not often do you remember the first message you received but you usually remember the last. As harsh as it sounds, what comes up must eventually come down. If you have ever met someone you thought would stay in your life but turns out it was only for a brief moment in your life, The Last Message Received, edited by Emily Trunko is the book for you.
It is a short read, a book told behind the simplest words. It is eye-catching, especially if you like poetry, because many of the messages shared are similar to that genre.
The book shares a collection of messages that were last received and, as hard as it may be, we all go through those types of messages at least once in our lives. It might be a break-up, or the loss of a friend or family member, or the curses of an enemy followed by silence. You know what we’re talking about here.
This book is truly heartbreaking, with many strong emotions…even though none are shown openly. Throughout the book, there are different situations, some that may apply to you. It shows that, even if you think you are alone, you never really are.
The premise of this book was based on stories or responses from a Tumblr account that was run by a 21-year old (at that time). Tumblr is an American social network, similar to twitter, and was being used as a blog.
This book has impacted me in a way where I am careful with what I say now because we never know what a person is going through. Words can mean so much to someone. Sadness may permeate this whole book, but the ideas and the messages also bring us hope as we recognize that the words may signify an end, but they also offer a glimpse and offer for the future.

Chloe Villagracia attends Armijo High School, where she currently works as a staff writer for the news website known as “The Armijo Signal”. Although...