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National Seashell Day – June 20

Image by Liselle VD from Pixabay

The beach offers souvenirs so you can always have your memories of the trip.

Summer. The season of hot sunny days and lots of fun. The most iconic place in the history of summer is the beach, known for surfing, relaxing in the sun, playing at the shore and collecting seashells. Seashells are a perfect souvenir for your trip to the beach because they’re design, color and shape make them amazing!

June 20, the first day of summer. National Seashell Day reminds us to admire the beauty of seashells. People who come to the beach and collect seashells are called shellers. During summer, seashell collecting is fun and many can join the fun. For shellers, each seashell has its unique shape and color.

Here are some tips from Royal  if you’re a sheller (or plan to become one this summer):

  • Never collect live shells. If you find one, put them gently back in the water.
  • Only take a small number, Shells are part of the ecosystem helping to preserve.
  • Shells are part of the ecosystem helping to preserve and create the beaches that we enjoy.
  • The time best for shelling is one hour before and after low tide.

Love night walks? Watch for full moons, they have a higher gravitation pull on the tide and reveal more shells!