It doesn’t have to end at high school
National Higher Education Day – June 6
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
What will your next classroom look like?
June 6 celebrates the National Higher Education Day. This day helps advocate and encourage students to attend college or pursue a career through education.
“It is my desire to have a National Higher Education Day to educate and promote the many different ways students can fund their education. By having a National Day I will be able to inspire students of all ages to never give up on their dream of receiving a higher education degree!” Izamar Olaguez, founder of National Higher Education Da. (National Day Calendar).
This day is also used to guide students through steps needed to attend college: the application process, applying for grants/scholarships, deciding what school is best for them. National Higher Education Day activities may focus on discussions of expenses, what to major in/how to decide on or change your major, commitment, being prepared, and also mental health to discuss any stress/how to deal with it (National Day Calendar). This is to help increase the chances of students receiving a degree.
This day was founded to educate and inspire those who are unsure about college. (National Higher Education Day)
To participate, you can first start with a visit to the College and Career Center at Armijo or send a Thank You note to Ms. Sandy Anderson. Then, you might consider talking about your experience on social media. Explain what higher education means to you, who has impacted you and more.
You can encourage people to donate to scholarships and promote scholarship opportunities, maybe through an organization like the Foundation for California Community Colleges, because you might want to use their help someday.
National Higher Education Day is solely for students who want to take the path of higher education and are ready to start their journey. How will you celebrate?

Jordan Scrivens is a student athlete who is able to balance both school and sports. This teen has taken an interest in journalism as well.
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