This day has all the write stuff…

National Pen Pal Day – June 1

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Get to know the world, one person at a time.

It’s not uncommon for kids all over the world to have a pen pal through a school program or some other source. Whether you talked for a few months or a few years, each year on June 1, National Pen Pal Day is a chance to recognize your pen pals by sending them letters, gifts, or anything to show them your gratitude.

Having a pen pal can help you improve your writing skills and pen pals from different countries can also strengthen your communication skills in other languages.

Having a pen pal is also an opportunity to learn about the life of someone in a different area, discovering details about their culture and traditions and seeing how others live.

National Pen Pal Day was created by American pen-palist, Rosie Tholl who has traveled around the world to meet some of her pen pals. She was also the co-coordinator of the Illinois Pen Pal Picnic Reunion and is co-founder and co-coordinator for Pen Pals United” (National Day Calendar). .

With summer on the way and travel still limited by the pandemic, what better time to enter into an international friendship? This National Pen Pal Day, why not check out who’s available to communicate on or International Pen Friends? Who knows? You might make a friend for a lifetime.